Hibernation is REAL!

Obviously,I've been remiss in updating this site.I think August 2006 was the latest.Well,a lot......of nothing has happened since then except pure sloth and negligence.Beef Rackstoninoff did have a divarectomy to remove the dreaded "diva" complex that many lead singers acquire.At his request he was put in an iron lung post-op to protect his trachea and vocal chords and knowing him , for a big photo shoot probably due to some ego driven personal scrapbooking reasons.....needless to say,a lead vocalist is an altogether different brand of humanity.Work on the new CD is moving at a glacial pace (got to keep the winter vibe going).The CD will probably be done by late this year just in time for.........Hibernation! I thaw,therefore I..no,I can't do another stupid "trying to be witty" bit.Sorry.I'll try and let those who care,know the gruesome audio details of the tracking process for the CD as they occur.Later.PS.My thanks to hannarob,viteknui,and jack baugh for signing the guestbook..I appreciate it.

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